Let There Be Light: Choosing The Right Reflector For Your Hydroponic Setup

You can pick the choicest cuttings and seeds, scour the stores for the finest medium money can buy, and spend thousands on the latest and greatest bulbs, but without a decent reflector, your grow operation will never get very far. A good reflector should be able to redirect as much wasted light back towards your plants as possible, without reflecting the accompanying heat which can damage them. However, not every reflector is suitable for every setup, so here are the pros and cons of some of the most popular choices:

4 Things To Consider When Planning Where To Place Your Skip Bin

If you're planning to hire a bin for trash removals, there are a number of things you need to consider. These include: the size of bin to hire, what materials you're allowed to put in the bin and how long you need to hire the bin. Another crucial aspect of a bin hire is where you're going to have it placed upon delivery. You need to deliberate on this beforehand to ensure the location is safe, convenient and even legal.

How To Grow Vegetables On Your Balcony On A Budget

You don't need a lot of space to grow some of your own vegetables, and you have control over what does and doesn't get sprayed on food you grow yourself. Several kinds of vegetables can be grown in pots on your balcony, and growing your own doesn't have to break the bank. Here's a guide to creating your own balcony vegetable garden on a budget: Preparing Your Pots You can purchase cheap garden pots online and should choose a variety of sizes to accommodate the growth of your vegetables.

How To Choose A Ride On Mower

A ride on mower is a great option if you have a large lawn area to keep tidy or if you have a physical disability that makes it difficult to manage with a traditional push mower.  Here's a guide to choosing a ride on mower that's most suitable for your circumstances. Rear engine ride on mowers If you're looking for a mower for basic lawn maintenance, a rear engine model is perfect.